Erma Manoncourt

Erma Manoncourt

Dr. Manoncourt is the founding President of M&D Consulting Inc. and a retired UN official who currently works as a senior management and development consultant. Based in Paris France, she specializesin developing behaviour and social change interventions, designing participatory methodologies and evaluating behavioural interventions at both individual and community levels.

Anne Sheeran

Anne Sheeran

Dr. Sheeran is a global development professional with 20+ years of experience researching, evaluating and advocating the evidence base for what works in accelerating equity outcomes for the most vulnerable children and women, within the normative frameworks of CEDAW,...
Arthur Tweneboa-Kodua

Arthur Tweneboa-Kodua

Arthur Tweneboa-Kodua is a Development and Communication Expert. He is a hard working, self-motivated, adaptable and dependable person with significant broad knowledge in contemporary social development issues. He has over thirty-six years’ cumulative experience...
Albert Legrand Fosso

Albert Legrand Fosso

Albert Legrand Fosso a des  compétences couvrant divers domaines ainsi que des expériences opérationnelles en qualité de consultant pour l’Unicef et la Banque mondiale. Ses compétences portent notamment sur : la rédaction de protocoles de recherches et la production...
Barbara Franklin

Barbara Franklin

Barbara Franklin is a specialist in communication for social and behavior change and Director of All One Communication. She provides technical assistance to international NGOs and SMOs, the UN, and multilateral and bilateral partners worldwide. Working with her own...
Bakoly Rabenarivo

Bakoly Rabenarivo

Titulaire de Doctorat en Médecine et de Masters en Santé Publique, option Contrôle de maladie, ayant 16 ans d’expérience professionnelle en Santé publique dans les pays en développement dont 7 ans à Madagascar dans le domaine de la santé mère enfant et la santé...